Eser Adı Yazar Yayınevi Açıklama İçindekiler Barkod
Ana Sayfa Sipariş Takip Üyelik Yardım İletişim

Creative Writing
Ocak 2014 / 1. Baskı / 88 Syf.
Baskısı tükenmiştir.

If your ansvvers for these questions are"YES", then creative vvriting is just for you: Creative vvriting changes the traditional concept of vvriting and presents a nevv perspective for you.

Creative vvriting helps the latent potential in you come out. You can be avvare of your povver and richnessy and sail out in the vvorld of infinite ideas and imagination.

Creative vvriting breaks the conventions. You can put vvhat is in your mind, hovv you feel on a piece of paper as you like them. You feel free to express your ideas, feelings, and kno vvledge in different forms and genres.

Creative vvriting doe not ignore vvriting for others but it definitely encourages you to write for yourself. You can discover the real, creative "you" and taste your unique product.

You do not need to deal with traditional vvriting activities. Enjoy the freedom creative vviting offers for you. You produce some vvrittten vvork but you like it.

Barkod: 9786054664139
Yayın Tarihi: Ocak 2014
Baskı Sayısı:  1
Ebat: 20x28
Sayfa Sayısı: 88
Yayınevi: Blackswan Yayınları
Kapak Türü: Karton Kapaklı
Dili: Türkçe
Ekler: -

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