The Dictionary of Terim in International Relations & Political Sciences indudes 1019 terms and expressions, 537 English–Turkish, 500 Turldsk–English noıın and verb phrases and 543 most vvidely used acronyms and abbrevi ati ons. l n total, there are 2599 entries i n the dictionary with their equivalent Turki sh/Engl i sh meani ngs and defi ni ti ons.
Al l entries in each category are given in alphabetical order to makethem easy f ör the users. Thedictionary hasfourpartsvvhichare closdy interreiatedvvitrıeachother. AII entries are given with their equivalenttranslationsboth inEnglishandinTurkish. The rationale behind preparing such a dictionary is not toteachtheEnglishlanguage but to hel p l earners, students and users i mprove their terminological background in the above mentioned fidds such as International Relatioks, Politicai Sciences aswell asLaw Department sand Foreignat 'fairs.
Barkod: 9786050005035
Yayın Tarihi: Mayıs 2008 |
Baskı Sayısı: 1
Ebat: 13.5x19.5 |
Sayfa Sayısı: 183
Yayınevi: Yazarın Kendi Yayını
Kapak Türü:
Karton Kapaklı
Türkçe |