| Resume Comparatif des Regles Regissant le Contröle du Contribuable dans les Systemes de Droit Fiscal en Turquie et en France Les Methodes de Contröle et d'Investigation des Contribuables d'lmpots dans le Droit Türe –Probleme– ProbIematiqueset Suggestions, Dr. Mahmut KAŞIKÇI |
| Uneuation Actuelle Relative Aux Delits De Contrebande Fiscale– Probleme Et Les Problematiques Lies Aux Delits Fiscaux Selon La Loi Penale Turque Numero 5327 Uneuation Actuelle Relative Aux Delits De Contrebande Fiscale Probleme Et Les Probîematicjues Lies Aux Delits Fiscaux Selon La loi Pe–naie Turque Numero 5327 , Dr. Mahmut Kaşıkçı |
| Witholding Tax Problems in Independent Personal Services Income of Persons Resident in Foreigin Countries – Example of United States of America – Turkey Double Taxation Agreement, Dr. Altan Rençber |
| The Extension of Arbitration Agreements to Non–Signatories in International Commercial Arbitration, Att. Begüm Yiğit |
| The Eu–Turkey "Refugee Deal": A New Way of Responsibility–Sharingthe Collapse of the International System for the Protection of Refugees? AB –Türkiye "Mülteci Anlaşması": Yeni Bir Sorumluluk Paylaşımı Yöntemi mi Yoksa Uluslararası Mülteci Koruma Sisteminin Çöküşü mü? Ceren Elitez |
| Thoughts on an Advance Tax Ruling Given about the Recognition as an Expense of Compensation Paid Pursuant to Foreign Arbitration Awards, Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrfan Barlass |
| Zivilrechtlicher Schutz Gegen Negative Bewertungen Bei Online Handelsplatformen Am Beispiel Ebay Civil Law Protection Against Negative Reviews On Online Trading Platforms Using The Example Of Ebay Ebay Örneği Üzerinden, İnternet Satış Platformlarında Yapılan Olumsuz Yorumlara
Karşı Özel Hukuka Dayalı Koruma Yollan, Dr. Pelin Karaaslan, Dr. Ramazan Durgut |
| Ship Mortgage Vs. Maritime Lien What Are The Changes in Favour Of The Mortgagee Under Turkish Law? Kübra Yetiş Şamlı |
| Die Charismatische Herrschaft, Recht Und Gewalt: Eine Vergleichende Annâherung, Yrd.Doç.Dr. Tolga Candan, Araş.Gör.Hüsnü Yavuz Aytekin |
| Das Problem der Pfandbarkeit von Nutzerrechten in den Zollfreigebieten, Prof. Oğuz Atalay |