Eser Adı Yazar Yayınevi Açıklama İçindekiler Barkod
Ana Sayfa Sipariş Takip Üyelik Yardım İletişim

Domestic Animals
Mayıs 2018 / 1. Baskı / 279 Syf.
Fiyatı: 141.00 TL
Temin süresi 2-3 gündür.
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The object of the this book, on the History, Breeding, Management, Diseases, &c., of Domestic Animals, is to afford the Stock-breeder and Grazier a connected view of the entire subject in which he has so deep an interest. The writer has endeavored to compress within the limited space assumed as necessary to secure a general circulation and perusal, such principles and practice, and give to each that relative prominence, which it becomes the practical man to observe, to realize the greatest amount of value for the labor and capital devoted to his pursuits.

Barkod: 9786052884393
Yayın Tarihi: Mayıs 2018
Baskı Sayısı:  1
Ebat: 13x19
Sayfa Sayısı: 279
Yayınevi: Gece Kitaplığı
Kapak Türü: Karton Kapaklı
Dili: İngilizce
Ekler: -

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