I. Introduction
II. Trademarks, a General Overview
A. A Brief History of Trademarks
B. Definition, Purpose and Overview
C. The Need for Trademarks
D. Trademarks vs Service Marks
E. Certification Marks vs Collective Marks
F. Registered vs Unregistered Trademarks
1. Unregistered Trademarks
2. Registered Trademarks
G. Relevant National, Regional and International Legislation
1. National Legislation on Trademarks
2. Regional Law on Trademarks
3. International Laws Regarding Trademarks in General
III. Well–Known Trademarks
A. Definition and Overview
B. Criteria for Being Recognized as a Well–Known Trademark
1. Brief Overview and Doctrine
2. The WIPO Criteria
3. Other Criteria Suggested in the Doctrine
4. The Approach and Criteria Suggested in the Turkish Doctrine
5. Other Criteria to be Taken into Account
IV. Special Protection Granted to "Well–Known Trademarks and Service Marks"
A. Rationale Behind the Special Protection
B. Territoriality
C. Class–Based Protection
D. The ment for the Mark to be Registered
E. Some Unlawful Acts to be Protected Against
1. Trademark Piracy
2. Counterfeiting
3. Dilution
V. The Protection of Well–Known Marks in Various Legal Contexts
A. The Paris Convention
B. The TRIPS Agreement
C. Protection under Turkish Law
D. Well–known Marks in Selected Judgements and Decisions
VI. Conclusion |